Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Florida sunset in February
Beaver Valley morning in January

Just thought you might like to see two very beautiful, very different views. Two different parts of the world, the warm and the cold, not extreme like the equator and ant-arctica, but certainly a contrast.\

Aren't we lucky to be able to see both? The internet allows us to experience so much that is different, that we've not explored before, or to do in depth research into our present existence, or that of others. Our connections are wider, are they deeper? Not too sure about that. But our world has changed and by this time next year will have changed again even more because of the speed at which technology is moving.

To me, it means being in the moment even more important. The speed means we don't necessarily explore deeply things that we might really enjoy or learn. So today maybe it means take a few minutes to be very present. To enjoy the sounds, sights, smells and immerse myself in the moment will be one of my objectives. Enjoying the contrasts perhaps. How about you?


  1. You have hit the nail on the head in this post. Given the propensity to multitask, especially with electronics, really being in the moment is a lost art. And the problem is that people fail to understand the importance of that. "Be here now" a phrase made famous by Baba Ram Das (Richard Alpert) speaks to the true appreciation of life, being in the moment, and NOT somewhere else.

  2. Thank you Bill - some days it's so hard to do that... may you have many moments that are precious!
