Friday, November 4, 2011

Greeting the morning

It was not a hot morning at all, but the dogs look as if it was. They've been running and barking at birds, whatever they smelled or heard across the road in the fields and hedgerows - turkeys? deer? coyotes? the feral cat? Whatever it was they're hot and waiting patiently for breakfast. What's with this picture taking they seem to tell me.

This is a typical morning - they romp and play together. First thing, it's out and check who was here during the night, then go to their favourite spot across from the driveway of the home of the Malemutes across the road. One is a new puppy about four months old now, the other took an instant dislike to both Bliss and Spirit about five months ago and that was the end of any friendship there. Now my two, as soon as they recognize the sounds, sights or smells that indicate that she is outside, run to the edge of the Invisible Fence and mock her.

So typical of teenage boys. I consider them to be like that from their general behaviour - two brothers who wrestle and tumble together, chase things together, vie with each other for the attention of whomever is nearby,  even if it's only me. They make me laugh which to my way of thinking, is one of the best ways to start a day.

And then there are the cats... Eleia loves to be with the dogs, but knows when they are feeling rowdy, the best place to be is up on something, even if it's only eight inches off the ground like these split rails. For some reason the dogs will leave them if they're on top of a rock, the deck, a stump or a fence rail. But Eleia is also intrepid and though she's checking her small horizon here for birds or mice to chase, she's also going to run straight at the dogs and through their legs if she can, daring them to chase her.

Again, the whole four-legged family choose to make me laugh...what a wonderful start to a day. Hope you have one too - a great start to a great day!

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