Thursday, October 27, 2011

A walk in the woods

It was damp - I laughed that evening when I got home and a friend noted that my previous post with a red morning sky meant rain the next day. It wasn't pouring when we started out, but it was sprinkling. However it didn't daunt the dogs' enthusiasm about a walk in the woods.

This old beech is slowly disintegrating. It has acquired a fungus or infection of some sort that is killing all the beech trees in this little 10 acre bush lot. Sad because beech are among my favourite trees, but even more sad that this particular lot is mostly beech. But I enjoyed the sight of the great old tree, still graced with yellow leaves and standing tall as it must have on the edge of a farmer's field since by the spread of its branches and its size it's a "wolf" tree - perhaps open grown at one time. But it has thrown the seeds for many of the other beeches in this bush. The orange tape on the ironwood is a pathway marker - good thing for me since I can lose my way quite easily in here, though it's small.
In the distance you can see the dogs on the pathway.

Covered in leaves, I love gazing along the paths and deep into this small forest. The dogs race back and forth sometimes in view, more often not, but check back with me and often I can hear the jingle of their tags or the crashing sound and they run hard after some real or imagined prey.
Aha - Bliss has found something, something smelly and black and sticky and lovely for labs. It means a bath for this dog when we get back home.

In the meantime I continued to walk, they to run, and though the rain became more constant, it was a terrific walk.

Tomorrow I'll post some of the other things we found on our walk.

Enjoy your day - rain or shine.

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