Wednesday, December 25, 2013


The setting sun on Christmas eve caught the ice on the tree branches and lit everything seemingly from within.
On Monday I had been plowed out from the ice storm and headed into town. I stopped at the top of the hill before I continued south and took this photo of the storm clouds over Lake Ontario. The Northumberland Hills are stiff with snow and every shrub, weed, bush and tree as well as most roads and sidewalks are slick with ice that just seemed to be getting thicker.
In Cobourg, some streets are blocked off and tree limbs are bent or broken. So sad to see the trees so badly damaged. But then there are the power outages all over southern Ontario. So many people in the cold and dark. Even sadder.

We (me and the dogs and cats) were lucky to have power off for only six hours. Others in my family not so much.
By last night, the sun was setting, most of my family and friends had power back, and we prepared to greet Christmas with a feeling of real gratitude that we are among the fortunate ones to have heat and light. We are so blessed to be able to share the joy and love that comes with Christmas and with every religion's special days...may each of you have a wonderful day and have a moment or two to appreciate all each of us has, whatever it is - it is part of the blessings of life. Joy and laughter to all!


  1. Lovely images, I am glad your power is back! Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  2. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Barbara! Your photos are lovely!

  3. A powerful display of nature that you have captured here. Hopefully every thing will return to normal soon! Hoping you have the best year ever!

  4. Thank you all for your good wishes. So lovely to have made such great friends and acquaintances in the few years I've been writing this blog - here's to a great year ahead!
