Saturday, October 20, 2012

The invasion has started!

They're everywhere...the scarecrows! It's that time of year when the scarecrows come out of the gardens, out of the fields and stand along the roadside to tell everyone it's harvest time in Central Ontario. And they're hilarious - some try to hide behind corn stalks and hitch rides from unsuspecting travellers. Others hang about the roadside stands and try to cadge a meal - fresh bread, date squares, pumpkin pies, muffins, frozen entrees and apples - what there are of apples this year. But believe me they try!
Others just loll around the edges of the apple orchard hoping they'll be noticed and someone will take them home - do they think they are pets perhaps? Or do they like to be with the garden gnomes and elves? One has to wonder.
And still others make a display of themselves.
I could fill many pages of many blogs with photographs of the unique and wonderful creatures that make up the Scarecrow Invasion - part of the fall celebration put on in Meaford a nearby town and slowly being adopted by others in the area.

Sometimes the scarecrows begin to appear long before the colours start to change. By mid-September they are out in full force and hang about until Hallowe'en. It's all part of the Meaford Family Festival that culminates in a Scarecrow Invasion parade and fun night in the town. Very few people in the area miss this. It is just so much fun.

One year the dogs and I marched in the parade along with other dogs and their families, representing Beautiful Joe Park, which is a marvelous park devoted to everyone but especially dog lovers...Beautiful Joe's author Margaret Marshall Saunders was from Meaford - a lovely little town on the shores of Georgian Bay and in the middle of apple country.

If you want to see more scarecrow faces go to - you'll find lots. There is lots to enjoy in fall. This particular celebration is certainly one of them.

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